SeedLink is a web application which lets you to explore a diverse range of plants available at nearby nurseries and gardens 🌿. You can buy it, or reasearch about it. That’s it?? Naah, explore the app to learn more! 🪴
Video Demonstration
Tour Start
Tour at some moment of time
Tour end
## What to do after installation?
Once SeedLink 🌱 is installed and running, you can use it to get your wanted plants.
## Setup and Contributing Guidelines
**Set Up Your Environment**
1. `Fork` our repository to your GitHub account.
2. `Clone` your fork to your local machine.
Use the command `git clone https://github.com/RS-labhub/SeedLink-Shepherd.git`.
3. Create a new branch for your work.
Use a descriptive name, like `fix-login-bug` or `add-user-profile-page`.
**Commit Your Changes**
- Commit your changes with a _clear commit message_.
e.g `git commit -m "Fix login bug by updating auth logic"`.
**Submit a Pull Request**
- Push your branch and changes to your fork on GitHub.
- Create a pull request, compare branches and submit.
- Provide a detailed description of what changes you've made and why.
Link the pull request to the issue it resolves. 🔗
**Review and Merge**
- I will review your pull request and provide feedback or request changes if necessary.
- Once your pull request is approved, we will merge it into the main codebase 🥳
## :people_holding_hands: Meet the Author
### :email: Contact
- Email: rs4101976@gmail.com
- Head over to my github handle from [here](https://github.com/RS-labhub)
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